ресторан здорового харчування

restaurant healthy food

in more detail
The menu of the Forest healthy food restaurant is the result of an inspired collaboration between our chef and a nutritionist.

A nutritionist carefully selects ingredients and nutrient ratios to ensure that each dish is wholesome, low-calorie, and packed with nutrients. The chef then transforms these recommendations into sophisticated culinary compositions, proving that healthy eating can be delicious, sophisticated, and incredibly appealing.


Oleksandr Lukyanenko — chef of the Forest restaurant

Oleksandr is a master who knows how to combine benefit and taste, creating real culinary masterpieces. For him, there are no impossible tasks, and each dish of the restaurant is a creation that makes you fall in love with healthy eating. Exquisite taste, harmonious aroma and attractive presentation are all part of Oleksandr's author's approach, which turns your conscious choice into a real pleasure.


Daria Maksymenko — nutritionist at Forest Retreat Center

Daria believes that food is the true medicine that can support and restore the body. She deeply understands how foods affect well-being and health, and always adheres to the principle that a balanced diet provides sufficient resources for energy, healing and restoration of the body. Her approach allows guests of the Forest Retreat Center to enjoy healthy food that enriches the body and spirit.

Individual menu from under the knife

For guests undergoing a wellness program at the Forest Retreat Center, a nutritionist creates a personalized menu, taking into account the results of laboratory, anthropometric and bioimpedance studies. The restaurant team prepares dishes based on individual recommendations aimed at maintaining health, increasing energy and improving overall well-being.


We closely monitor the impact of wellness programs through repeated surveys, which allows us to timely adjust the diet according to the guest's preferences and lifestyle. This ensures an easy and natural introduction of healthy eating into a daily habit that brings pleasure and benefits in the future.


At the request of the guest, as well as in the presence of medical indications, the diet can be supplemented with vitamin smoothies with the addition of biologically active substances and superfoods. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the standard smoothie menu or consult a nutritionist to develop an individual menu, diet designer or vitamin complex.

We invite you to our restaurant healthy food

The healthy menu concept, developed jointly by a chef and a nutritionist, is based solely on the individual needs and characteristics of each person. Our menu combines culinary art and scientific approaches to nutrition

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