forest blog
What is a checkup and why do it?in more detail
How do the check-ups performed on King Abdullah II of Jordan and Michelle Obama differ from even the best domestic ones? And why are we in...
What is polysomnography/sleep study?in more detail
CPAP quest: is it possible to choose a device for ideal sleep? Apnea is the cause of cognitive decline, the development of hypertension, impotence, headaches...
The battle for the heart: how early cardiac diagnosis saves livesin more detail
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remain the leading cause of death in the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every year CVDs die...
"Food as Medicine": evidence-based medicine about an advanced approach to nutritionin more detail
Nowadays, more and more people are paying attention to the role of food as a therapeutic tool. After all, many products can affect the processes...